Third Culture Kids: Reframing What It Means To Belong

Third Culture Kids Reframing what it means to belong

“Where are you really from?” – Is that a question you get no matter where in the world you find yourself?  Third Culture Kids (TCKs), or children who have grown up outside of their place of birth or the country where their parents are from, can experience some confusing emotions around belonging and identity. “Where […]

Mindfulness: Stay. Come Back. Do It with Love.

Mindfulness Stay. Come Back. Do It with Love

Mindfulness is not about keeping your mind from wandering but coming back to presence over and over again. By now, you’ve likely heard of mindfulness and how it can be good for you. Perhaps you tried it once or twice in the form of meditation, listening to someone’s soothing voice as it guided you to […]

Guilt vs Shame

Guilt vs Shame

The terms guilt and shame are often used interchangeably. While they may appear to be synonymous and may often be correlated, their true nature indicates important distinctions. Brené Brown, who has spent her career researching shame and vulnerability, proffers poignantly simple definitions of guilt and shame based on her work. GUILT = I DID SOMETHING […]

ACT for anxiety

ACT for anxiety

Last month’s blog introduced Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT), an action-oriented psychotherapeutic approach grounded in traditional behavioral therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, and Eastern traditions. ACT advocates accepting the entirety our inner landscape – the uncomfortable and challenging along with the comfortable – so that we can create our most vital and meaningful lives. It suggests […]

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT): A Primer

ACT: A Primer

New clients often ask me “what techniques do you use?” They want to understand more about the journey they are about to embark on. Like many clinicians, mine is an eclectic approach, drawing on a range of modalities and applying them depending on the circumstances in the room at any given moment. In a response […]

Disordered eating

Disordered eating

How To Spot Warning Signs of an Unhealthy Relationship with Food Have you found yourself asking if your food behaviors are “normal?” Do you sometimes wonder if your once innocent sounding diet and exercise routine have evolved into something more serious? Disordered eating encompasses a wide range of unhealthy attitudes and behaviors toward food. The […]

How to create healthy boundaries in your relationship?


Approachable steps to identify and voice your needs Do you communicate your boundaries clearly? Do you feel like your partner understands what you want? All relationships have boundaries. Whether we realize it or not, our actions, words and behaviors implicitly tell people what we do and do not want or will allow. If we’re not […]

Power of Gratitude

Power of Gratitude

As I write this, our country and our world are in the grips of the COVID-19 pandemic. There is a pervasive sense of fear of the present and anxiety about what the future might hold. Amidst this chaos and uncertainty, I’ve been reminded to pause and slow down, to take stock of what matters, and […]

Resistance in therapy

Resistance in therapy

What you resist, not only persists but will grow in size.– Carl Jung We are likely all familiar with the idea that what we resist persists, yet many of us struggle with actualizing this concept in our lives. Even if we objectively want change, we may fear letting go of what we know. There’s risk […]

How is somatic therapy different than other forms of therapy?

Somatic by Sohum

Psychotherapy is traditionally thought of as talk therapy. One might conjure an image of a person laying down on a couch, and a stoic therapist across the room interpreting dreams or unconscious thoughts. Today, therapy offers a number of different modalities, each of which takes a unique spin on the human experience. Here at Sōhum […]