Dating & relationships Therapy in NYC

Dating & RElationships
We all have a desire to love and be loved. For many (but not all), that means seeking out a romantic partner. Enter the world of dating: an arena that can be exciting, scary, fun and overwhelming. Maybe you’re deep in the dating scene and can’t keep track of apps and your dating schedule. You’re struggling to know who you really like, don’t want to break things off too soon with someone else or feel at a loss of who and what you’re drawn to anymore. You might be taking it slower on the dating scene, and feel “behind” from other friends who are in relationships or dating more frequently. Or maybe you’re just avoiding it all together because it feels like way too much work.
When you finally do find someone you start dating more seriously, new questions and considerations arise: how are we communicating? Am I able to show all parts of myself to this person? Do they want the same things as I do? How can we talk about the future and grow together as people and as a couple?
Therapy can help you connect with your Self so that you can find clarity and confidence in dating and relationships.
Therapy for dating & Relationships
At Sōhum, our therapists get how overwhelming the world of dating and relationships can be. In our modern age of apps, and especially in a city like NYC where opportunities and options seem endless, it can be hard to tune into and trust your inner voice. Our therapists will help you to decrease the volume and pressure of the outside world (friends, family, society etc.) so that you can connect with what is right and true for YOU. As your inner compass comes to the forefront, you’ll be better able to give yourself a voice and direction, communicate clearly, and create healthy boundaries for yourself.

Dating & RElationships
Signs you might want support through therapy:
- You feel overwhelmed by modern day dating demands
- You want to be dating, but you're avoiding it
- You don't know what you want in a partner
- You struggle with communication in your relationship
- You want to feel like more of your Self when dating or with your partner
- You're constantly comparing your dating life vs. others
- The topic of dating & relationships elicits anxiety or depression
- It's hard to create desired boundaries in dating & relationships
- You spend much more time than you'd like to on dating apps
- You're feeling defeated in the dating & relationship field
- You're in a relationship now and not sure how to navigate it
Our Therapy Approaches
Our Therapy Approaches for Dating & Relationships in NYC
Getting Started with Therapy
At Sōhum Therapy, our therapists are trained and skilled in navigating these matters of the heart. We help individuals and couples who are looking to find more connection and clarity with themselves and with each other. The more connected you are to your Self, the more confidently you will know what you are looking for and need in a partner. You can translate this into healthy communication, boundary setting and an ability to be safely vulnerable in a partnership.
If you’re feeling disconnected on the dating scene or in your relationship, or if you desire to nourish a deeper relationship with your Self or your partner, reach out to us for a consultation.