Therapy for Life Transitions in NYC

Life Transitions therapy in New York City by Sohum Therapy

Life Transitions

Change – even sought after, desired change – can be difficult.  We’re wired for the familiar and transitions demand adjustments.  Maybe you just landed your first job out of college and are met with the “real world” and its demands.  You might have gotten married or had kids.  You chose to move cities (or states, or countries). Or you finally switched to the career of your dreams but you left the structure you knew behind.  While these transitions may seem objectively “positive,” coping with the demands of new roles and parts of our identities might require extra support.  

And then there are more on-the-surface challenging  transitions: your kids left the house and you are an empty nester for the first time.  You and your partner ended your relationship.  You’re coping with care for aging partners.  It can feel overwhelming to face new realities and new eras of life.

Therapy can help you as you navigate these life transitions.  You don’t have to do it alone.

Therapy for Life transitions

Therapy can help you navigate a changing landscape and your internal response to the transition.  It can help you stay attuned to your core Self as things around you change.

It’s natural to have mixed feelings about change.  Something that’s exciting can also be scary.  A new beginning can also prompt sadness for what we left behind.  The loss of our relationship might make us sad but also reconnect us with ourselves in new, meaningful ways.  It can feel like our identity is being shaken up. 

Therapy can help you honor and process the range of feelings and experiences change can bring. Our emotions point to areas of our inner life that are calling out for attention. Therapy can help you to make sense of them so that you can work with your experience rather than feeling overwhelmed by it.  

Therapy for Life Transitions in NYC
Life transitions

Life Transitions

Changes that therapy can help with

The Therapy Types for Life Transitions

It’s our honor and privilege to accompany you on your path

Individual Therapy

Family Therapy

Begin your therapy journey

At Sōhum Therapy, our therapists will help you to navigate the life transitions you’re facing.  We’re here to listen to you and to support you in coping with change.  We’ll help you to face the challenging parts of the experience and celebrate where you find beauty and meaning. 

Reach out to our skilled therapists today and begin your journey.

Come back to your true self. Unlock your potential
